What Diakonie offers in Württembrg
Altogether, Diakonie in Württemberg looks after and supports more than 270,000 people, many of them live in homes run by a Diakonie service unit. Diakonie is active in the fields of work as follows:
- Welfare for children, youth and families,
- Aid for handicapped people,
- Care for the sick, l Care for old people,
- Support for the unemployed, for the homeless, for the heavily indebted, and for other poor people in society,
- Support for drug addicts and those at risk,
- Support for migrants and refugees, especially when discriminated against,
- Support for girls and women in distress.
In-patient service units, outpatient units, as well as day services and indivdual care for a person - all that is within the range of offerings provided by Diakonie. Diakonie creates jobs on the market that is sponsored by the government. Also, Diakonie provides for special shopping centers for the poor. Diakonie runs schools, and job training for young people, it offers placement for conscientious objectors and for a whole range of volunteer work, including work for young people from abroad.